Waste Disposal Methods in Hospital
• An 8 hour daily operating cycle of ash removal, pre-heat and burn with continuous loading if required. The automated burn completion and cool down cycle will take place overnight.
• The incinerators shall be capable of using diesel fuel as a supplemental fuel while the associated management equipment shall be capable of using electricity as the primary power source.
• Also consider provision for meeting international emission standards.
Able to handle an average waste production of 100kg/day
“• Minimum load capacity: 20 kg
• Maximum load capacity: 40 kg
• Nominal burning rate: 10-30 kg/hr (= 80- 240 kg range per 8hour day)
Email: sales@hiclover.com
Email: hicloversales@gmail.com
Email: hicloversales@gmail.com
Nanjing Clover Medical Technology Co.,Ltd.